The period TV show depicts Croatian life through the middle of the 19th century going through numerous political and social changes.
”Based on a novel
"Branka" by August Šenoa
Writen in 1881
A young girl of humble origins, Branka Kunović is caught in the middle of the social turmoil trying to find a job as a teacher. She will finally get a chance, but in the remote and the backward place of Jalševo where her modern views will clash with local authorities who stubbornly resist any change. And while the teacher is fighting for equality in Jalševo, the last thing she needs is an unexpected romance with the Count of Jalševo, a living and breeding symbol of inequality.
Cast: Ivana Roščić, Živko Anočić, Ksenija Marinković, Mladen Vasar, Vesna Tominac
Creators: Mirela Krneta
Directors: Mirela Krneta, Costa Ipsa
Story: August Šenoa
Screenplay: Mirela Krneta
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